What We Do
We set up and run libraries and activity centres in spaces owned or provided by a host who works with communities comprised of our target audiences. In addition to providing infrastructure(books, furniture, computers, craft, materials, games) we staff our libraries with experiences librarians who employ a unique "Honeycomb" methodology. We have published and created our own materials by and for users based on this. Our facilities include reading rooms, lending an reference libraries, activity centres for creative arts, spaces for performing arts, games and sports with time for regular excursions and field trips!
To Enliven, To Enlighten, To Enable.
For Healing, For Hope, For Happiness.

Our Impact
The impact of reading of books and activities on the adolescents, especially those in conflict with law, is therapeutic and has promoted socially acceptable behaviour - repeat offenders have reduced. The first stage is to create a caring atmosphere and help the child settle his emotions. Second, we inspire learning with the use of fun activities. Third, we establish the friendship with a book to fasten learning and knowledge process. Finally it helps to increase morale, self-love, self-belief and self- confidence and take ownership of your own life amongst difficult and underprivileged children.
All together we have more than 16000 books, CDs, many computer labs, as on date. There are about eighteen libraries directly supported. Over 7000 children and adults have benefited from this endeavour in this past six years.
Children and adults Impacted
Over 54000 Books
Partner organisations
Go to Support us Option for joining us as a volunteer
AKB Aseem Knowledge Bank Worksheet
Book Published
Floor Games
All Aseem's Library Family Members, Friends & Students.
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•Facebook ID- aseemslibrary17
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